We had some more adventures this month with Tyson having this new work schedule. Spent a lot of time up in the mountains enjoying the fresh air. The kids love exploring new places!

We were able to meet up with some friends and Monet might have started a little crush on our friend Sebi. They were really cute playing together.
Abe got brave and wanted to explore in the water a little bit.
He did end up falling in shortly after this. Lucky for us we had some spare clothes in the car and we were able to get him changed.
Sometimes church is hard with two little ones. We spend a lot of our time in the hall talking about being reverent. Occasionally though, these two hold hands and help calm each other down. I love these kids, even if they are hard sometimes.
Monet is learning the joys of reading.
Abe has been potty training but has been having a hard time with #2. He seemed scared about things so we decided he would get a big prize if he could pull it off consistently. He was able to get things down and we took him to the store to pick out his prize. Of course he chose the huge HULK mask and gloves! He even told the cashier "I get these because I went poop in the potty!" She was very nice even if she thought we were weird.

At Crown family dinner this month we were able to get a few pictures of Grami and Grandpa with all 5 of their grandkids!
Abe has been discovering his artistic side. He really loves "sculpting" with play doh and there have been many times where he has requested to sculpt with daddy. They sit out in the art studio for hours and sculpt together. I love catching these moments!
Unfortunately, along with Abe's creativity blooming he also decided to experiment with silly putty in the hair..... Turns out, hand sanitizer dissolves silly putty, so we were able to get it all out. But it was not fun....
We spent a lot of time at the park behind our house this month as well. We really are so lucky to live where we do!