We are still adjusting to having a new baby in the house! Waking up in the night to feed her, making sure all her medical equipment is clean, it's a lot of work taking care of a newborn who has medical needs. When I am feeling overwhelmed I remind myself how incredibly blessed I am to have the kids I do. Abe is the most loving and caring big brother that I ever could have wished for. Monet is so loving it is almost too much sometimes! My kids love each other. So, even when mom is tired, they can take care of each other (to an extent).
I made these beautiful shadow boxes for each of the kids. They each have things from their individual hospital stays when they were each born. It was a really fun project for me and I am happy with the way they turned out!

Bridget is still on oxygen but is continuing to improve. She is a fighter and I am proud to be her momma!

Monet is continuing to grow and learn. Each day she learns a new word it seems. Although, at times, it takes some time to "translate" what she is trying to say :)

My world
Abe is still my big strong boy. He has really taken to being "the man of the house" when daddy is out of town.

My world
Just had to document.... Abe is allergic to mosquito bites. You can see he got bit right on the cheek and that's what made his eye swell up! My goodness!
Bridget is 3 months old! She is still a tiny little thing but is hanging in there!
We often take pictures when daddy is out of town so he can see what we are up to.
Monet has really taken to her castle room lately. It took her some time to warm up and the steps were hard for her at first. Now that she knows how to get up and down the two of them spend a lot of time together playing in there.

Monet has also taken to climbing into confined spaces. She gives us a laugh every day with the different places we find her!

Monet has also taken to climbing into confined spaces. She gives us a laugh every day with the different places we find her!
I got my passport! I have only been out of the country once and it was to Niagara Falls, Canada so I didn't need my passport at the time. But, with Tyson traveling so much I wanted to be prepared in case I get the chance to go somewhere with him!

Silly selfie to send to dad :)
We had an awesome time at the zoo this year. We got to go with Dan and Evan. The kids had so much fun running around with their cousin all day!
Bridget FINALLY got to meet her Great Grandma Audrey. She was able to come to town and we were so happy these two could be united. So much love in those arms.
Bridget received a baby blessing from her daddy. This is something we do in our faith. The patriarch of the family gives the child a name and a blessing. It is something that is very dear and special to us. It was a beautiful day that I shall never forget.

Look at that gorgeous girl!

The day was made even more special by an heirloom we now share. When I had Monet, my mom used my wedding dress to make a blessing dress. Monet was blessed in that dress and now Bridget has been blessed in the same dress. The same material was used in three big events and I am so happy about that. My mom is amazing, she even made the blessing dress in the same style my wedding dress was!
So many friends and family members were there and we were so glad to share this special day!

Sadly, we sold Tyson's Toaster this month. It was costing us way too much money and time with all the constant repairs it needed. Goodbye old friend.
Aaaaaaand we bought a truck! Tyson's dream truck! It has enough room in the cab for all three carseats side by side and we quite like it! Hazaah!