November was a very special time for our little family. We were able to see a lot of our loved ones. We got to welcome our new baby girl into the world and we really had a lot of time together to bond as a family.
During the last few warm days of the month we were able to take Abe with us to a park in West Jordan. This is something I have been wanting to do with him for a while but didn't have a lot of energy this summer. I'm glad we were able to go. The playground is amazing. There are lots of little places for kids to run around. Abe really had a good time.
Tyson was able to complete the mural for Abe's room. It took a lot of man hours but it has really paid off. If you click on the pictures they will enlarge so you can see the detail he really put into things.

Abe has been learning a lot lately. He has almost the whole alphabet down. He knows so many words and is being a really big helper around the house. He loves to read and play with his letter set.
I am sure a big reason why a lot of you are interested in this post is because you know our sweet little Monet came into the world during the month of November. She is such a blessing to our home and I would be happy to share with you the story of her birth.
With Abe I went into labor a week late. I was in labor for 16 hours, pushed for 2 and then ended up having a c-section. So, when we learned we were expecting again we knew the due date from the beginning. We knew we would have another c-section for each of our little ones.
A week before her due date Monet decided to drop. I always carried her really high and when I saw how far she dropped I was surprised. But that told me we were getting close!
We started to get the house completely ready. Brought out the baby swing, packed the hospital bag and got everything cleaned and in order so we would be set to go. We even used Abe's toys to show him where baby will go and how to give baby soft hugs. He was loving it!
We were scheduled for the c-section at 7:00 AM on Thursday November 14th. That meant we had to be at the hospital by 5:00 AM for prep. Which meant we needed to leave the house by 4:30 AM to be there on time. Which meant I needed to be up by 3:30 AM to make sure I was showered and ready to go. Lucky for us Abe's Nana offered to take him overnight. That way we didn't have to wake him up early. So Tyson and I dropped Abe off and we went on one last date before the baby was to arrive. Tyson took me to one of my favorite places to eat, he then took me to my favorite cupcake shop and then we went to the movie of one of my favorite books. It was a night about me and I LOVED it! I have the sweetest husband :)
That night I was not able to sleep. I had heartburn galore, couldn't eat or drink due to having surgery in the morning, and I was so anxious I just couldn't rest. I probably got an hour of sleep but that was okay because I was about to meet my little girl! We got ourselves ready and out the door in time and we were even a little early to the hospital. So we got ready and waited for my parents to arrive!
I was really scared that something was going to go wrong. I kept telling Tyson and the Drs that I was scared. So they started cracking jokes and talking about movies. They told me when there is conversation going on that means surgery is going well, it's when things get quiet that I should worry.
First glance at my baby girl!
Carole was at the hospital while I was having surgery along with my parents. It was such a good feeling to know I had love and support in the waiting room. I am sure they were really anxious! As soon as we were ready Carole went to pick up Stan and Abe so they could meet little Monet. Abe was scared at first because I was hooked up to a lot of machines and he kept saying "ouch? ouch?" but he really enjoyed having all the people he loves in the same room.
Abe wanted to tickle her toes!
Abe and Ellie had a good time walking around the halls with Grandpa Warren.
Lucas was tired. So we pulled out the extra bedding we had in our room and let him sleep while we got to visit.
We had a lot of friends and family visit us while we were in the hospital. It is what helped me get through the long boring hours of being tied to a hospital bed!
Ready to cheer for her first BYU football game! We got to watch it while in the hospital and lucky for us her Grandpa Warren and Grami Tami got her some great game gear!
On Saturday November 16th I was able to go home! So we packed up our stuff and headed out the door.
The top picture is us when we came home with Abe. The bottom is when we came home with Monet. Can you tell delivery was much easier with my second baby???
When we got home Abe just wanted to be with sister all the time. He wants to snuggle her, he wants to share his toys with her. He just wants to love on his little sister. She is such a joy!
Monet got to meet her cousin Lincoln! On the Ellis side of our family there are 5 babies being born within 6 months of each other. Lincoln was the first of the set and Monet is number 4. We are anxiously waiting the next one to come in January!
Our friend Leila came to see the little lady!
Of course, we had Thanksgiving this month! Can you guess what I am Thankful for!?!
Tried to get a picture of the two siblings together. This is the best I could come up with.
Well that's our month of November! A lot of fun things going on. We were really lucky to have Tyson home for the last two weeks of the month. Abe loved having his daddy home to play with him and I loved having all the help with the new baby! Our little family has really come together this month and we are so grateful for all we have.