We have really had a mild winter this year. Not a whole lot of cold and not a whole lot of snow. We have kept inside a lot because of everyone being sick on and off but have really enjoyed having time together.
In April I was able to attend a baby blessing for Harlo. He is such a sweet boy and I was so happy to be there! Tyson and the kids had to stay home because of being sick but I was glad to be able to go.

We finally got some snow! I can't believe it didn't come until April but we were glad to see it! The kids loved getting dressed up in snow suits and playing in it!
They even learned the joys of eating snow!
Monet got her first ice cream cone this April. She loves ANY kind of food, so we weren't surprised to find out that she loves this sweet treat.
Tyson's work schedule changed a little bit this month. He now works 4, 10 hour shifts a week. This means he has Fridays off! We decided to take advantage of this and when the weather was right, we went hiking at Bridal Veil Falls as a family. It was really fun to play outside with the kids. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful state!
The boys had a lot of fun exploring. The girls preferred to sit back and watch.
Abe didn't even TRY to walk down, he just relied on Tyson hanging tight on his arm and kind of slid down the mountain. Silly boy!
I got to meet my new nephew this month too! Little Zachary is just as precious as can be! He looks just like his big brother did and I LOVE every chance I get to hold him!
I really tried to get a good picture of these four cousins hanging out in the tub together, but this is the best I could get for now.
Monet discovered this month that she likes to help mommy in the kitchen. Too bad mommy can't trust her to do much! mostly she stands at my feet while I do the cooking.
All in all it was an amazing month. We had a lot of family time and loved it! These kids are growing fast and I am so glad we get to spend so much time with them watching them grow!
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