Once again we have had a great month! These kids are learning and growing so much! I love how much they love each other and how well they have been getting along! We are a lucky family!

Our niece, Alyson, had a cute tea party for her birthday. Just the girls were invited and we had so much fun!
We went to a birthday party for Stanley!
The kids and I made spooky cat cookies together! They loved taking them out of the box and putting them on the cookie sheets. I loved the minimal mess!
Monet continues to explore her diva side. Always trying on my shoes!
The pregnant belly pictures have begun! Here I am at 14 weeks.
Tyson started traveling for work. He only leaves for a few days at a time but we sure do miss him when he is gone!
We found out we are pregnant with a little GIRL!
Abe continues to entertain us. Here he is with a "shirt pant" on, telling us all about the meaning of life.
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