We attended quite the yard sale a few Saturdays ago. The ad asked us to come smell the history of DEAD PEOPLES STUFF. Naturally the whole family wanted to go. It was not the normal Estate Sale we have all come to love, but it was pretty neat none the less!
There were all sorts of treasures!
We had to try them out!
There were even some really cool carriges. We explored for a while and had a great time looking through DEAD PEOPLES STUFF.
After celebrating the glorious stuff of the dead, we thought it would be a good idea to celebrate some life. The life of Kyle that is! We had to have a family celebration for this young lad! Okay, he is becomming an old lad, but he will always be my little brother (even if he is much taller).
All in all it was a great day full of life, and death.
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