Tyson took on a second job for a few weeks. He was making sales for the company we coach for. It was working out well (except for the long days) then the company decided they didn't want coaches selling as well and that ended.
I have been experiencing the life of Relief Society 1st Counselor. It has been an adventure getting used to the calling. They gave me the calling the first week I was in the ward! They didn't even know who I was! Things work out for the best though, it has been a real blessing for us. I have really enjoyed getting to know the girls in my ward and finding out I am not the only one figuring out this married thing.

Last week I had my first snow cone of the season! I was looking forward to it for a long time! It was delicious and I loved it! Then.... two days later it snowed outside! At least I got one snow cone in before the last snow, and hopefully it really is the last snow of the season.

We have had weddings galore to go to! All of the brides I have seen over this last month have been glowing and so happy! I am glad to see so many of my friends finding their partners and starting their lives off right! Love is definitely in the air this spring. This is Ben, it is not a bride but he sure is excited to see the bride!

Along with all the weddings there have also been a lot of fun bridal showers! It is so fun to sit with my friends as they talk about how excited they are to be married! I love to see all of us growing up, plus it is nice to have friends in the same stage of life. Somehow it makes the adjusting process a little easier. Anyone who says getting married is not an adjustment is lying. It is so much fun and so great, but it is definitely different from anything else I have ever done!
We have started working out together. It has been really hard and my muscles are always sore, but it feels good to be working together to get healthy. I enjoy having Tyson by my side as I sweat to death with these home workouts.
Even though my Birthday is in June, we were able to celebrate with my family about a week ago. It was so great to be with my family who loves me so very much! They gave me a scrapbooking starter kit! I am so excited and have actually already started to use all of the fun things! I will be a scrapbooking queen in no time!
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