We kicked off the month with Abe's birthday! We were able to put together an awesome Moustache birthday party for him!
Tyson's work had a really fun party. It was 20s Casino Night! We had so much fun dressing up and gambling!
We were able to go to a charity event as a family called the Beard Bash. It was a lot of fun. The kids got to see cool motorcycles, Tyson participated in a beard contest and we got to see Santa!
We spent Christmas Eve up at the Ellis homestead with Nana and Papa. This year has been so fun with Abe explaining to Monet how things work and how they need to be good for Santa to come. Abe was so worried Santa was going to skip us not knowing we weren't at home that I had to make a special phone call to Santa and let him know we would be with Nana and Papa that night rather than at our house.
The kids got in their jammies and went to bed without a fuss!
Santa came!
Of course we had to take some stair photos before letting the kids go up to see the gifts! Where does this tradition come from!?! We did hallway pictures, everyone I know does hallway or stair pictures!
Monet wasn't happy about having to work to get up the stairs.
It was a white Christmas!
After we had Christmas morning with the Ellis family we had to rush home to make dinner for the Crown family! Our first time hosting Christmas dinner and I think it was wonderful! I always love having family over and it just feels so special when that happens on the holidays.
We then were able to host a reunion party for the Madrigal group I was a part of in High School. It was so much fun to have some of us there together, see kids that we have, catch up on where life has taken us.
There were a few days of snow where we could play outside! Abe LOVED it!
Monet, not so much......
We tried to go to a movie as a family. It started out really well and the kids were enjoying themselves..... Then about halfway through the movie we left because the kids would not sit still and we were bugging everyone in the whole theater! Maybe in a few years.....
We ended the month and the year with Tyson's birthday. It was his Golden birthday this year so we had a golden celebration! Complete with a golden cheesecake!

We played games all night with great friends!
Finished off the year celebrating with friends that we love!
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